Develop Your Business Plan

If you want to become a Certified SCUBA Diver (as I am), you must first take a course to learn about the equipment being used, the anticipated dangers, and what to expect when you experience your first dive. A critical part of this training is to Plan Your Dive and...

Micromanagement Limits Success

This Essay is written from the perspective of the Supervisor, Manager, or any other member of an organization to whom other team members report. The purpose of the Essay is to help the organization gain more productivity and the individual team members feel more...

What is a Reasonable Response Time?

What is a Reasonable Response Time?   Have you ever gotten a commitment from a supplier to provide you with something by an agreed-upon date and have the date come and go with nothing received?  Have you ever left a message for someone to call you to discuss an...

Trust and Leadership

“It isn’t how much you know that matters. What matters is how much access you have to what other people know. It isn’t how intelligent your team members are; it is how much of that intelligence you can draw out and put to use.” From Multipliers by Liz Wizeman...

The Danger of Consensus

In my capacity as a Business Management Advisor I recently attended a client meeting to discuss the introducion of a new product at ABC Manufacturing. Attending the meeting was Bill, President of ABC, a dominant, almost overpowering individual; Mary, VP of Marketing,...